Program živilstvo in prehrana


Students in the Food Technology and Nutrition program at BIC Ljubljana gain practical experience in real learning environments, primarily in school laboratories and the first school microbrewery in Slovenia, which operates within the Culinary and Tourism Center KULT316.

At BIC Higher Vocational College, Food Technology and Nutrition is a study program, a short-cycle higher vocational education, primarily intended for students who seek an interesting and practically-oriented study program with a lot of hands-on experience in modernly equipped laboratories and excellent practical experiences in real learning environments. Throughout the study, the Food Technology and Nutrition students acquire practical experience in the food industry or crafts and other companies and institutions related to food technology and nutrition in Slovenia or abroad. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates receive a higher professional education diploma and the title of Food Technology and Nutrition Engineer (Slovenian abbrv.: inž. živil. in preh.).

The Food Technology and Nutrition program accommodates all those interested in nutrition, dietetics and gastronomy, as well as food composition or various technologies in food science (from processing plant-based foods, meat, dairy, grains, to wine technology and microbrewing), food chemistry with food analysis and food microbiology and biotechnology. Additionally, students gain extensive knowledge of economics and company management, informatics and statistics, business communication and leadership, professional terminology in English or German and familiarize themselves with legislation in the food industry. We offer students a rich selection of compulsory elective modules and subjects, meaning that in the 2nd year, students can choose specific modules and certain subjects themselves in the field of nutrition or food technology based on their interests.

Due to the rich practical knowledge they acquire during practical lessons and within 800 hours of practical training in the best companies and other institutions, our graduates are highly valued and quickly employable.

Current information about application and enrollment in the Food Technology and Nutrition study program can be found here.

For further clarification, we are happy to assist you at the Higher Vocational College BIC Ljubljana, in the Student Administrative Office, by phone at 01 28 07 606 or by email at You are warmly welcome!

Students can participate in the Erasmus+ programme, through which they undertake practical training with employers in Austria, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Ireland and elsewhere in Europe.

During their studies, students have the opportunity to participate in competitions such as Ecotrophelia, organized by the Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. In this competition, students successfully develop new food products by combining complex elements of development, including technological, sensory, production, legislative, financial, environmental and marketing aspects.  

We actively involve students in numerous projects at the local, national and international levels.

As part of their practical lessons, students participate in interesting excursions within Slovenia and abroad. They can also go on optional excursions (Sarajevo, New York, the Seychelles, Dubai, Hawaii, Australia). In the future, we are planning an excursion to Alaska.

Our students also gain experience by participating in professional workshops for primary and secondary school students, such as Pasti energijskih pijač (the hazards of energy drinks), as well as children's culinary workshops, such as Mami, oči, v soboto kuham jaz. They contribute to the organization and implementation of the international professional conference Trends and Challenges in Food Technology, Nutrition, Hospitality, Tourism, Education, and Training, organized and hosted by BIC Ljubljana.

We enable students to prepare practical diploma theses, through which they develop new food products.

As part of volunteering at BIC Ljubljana, students can become volunteers. They participate in Vsemu sem lahko kos, which are motivational conversation workshops. Students can also become student tutors.

Take a stroll around the school at 47 Mestni log in Ljubljana and explore the facilities dedicated to the Food Technology and Nutrition educational program.

Find additional information through interactive multimedia points within the area.

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Points related to the Food Technology and Nutrition educational program are marked in violet

  • Acquiring key, general and professionally specific competencies in the        field of food technology and nutrition.
  • Gaining, deepening and integrating theoretical and practical knowledge about food technology, nutrition and food safety, while obtaining a comprehensive insight into the development of the food and nutrition sector.
  • Cultivating creativity within a student’s professional domain.
  • Developing a responsible approach to ensuring quality in food production and dietary organization.
  • Keeping abreast of industry innovations using various domestic and foreign professional literature sources.
  •  Building confidence and expertise for business decisions and solving specific professional problems.
  • Enhancing effective communication with diverse stakeholders in the work process while demonstrating respect.
  •  Managing information, data and content in various digital environments to achieve work-related goals.
  •  Performing work in accordance with occupational health and safety regulations.
  • Adhering to the principles of sustainable development.
  • Developing digital literacy, entrepreneurship and other key competencies.

Higher Vocational College study program is open to individuals who:

  • have passed the general or vocational matura exam, or an equivalent qualification under previous regulations or
  • hold a master craftsman exam, foreman exam, or shop manager exam, have three years of work experience, and have passed an educational test in general education subjects to the extent specified for vocational matura exam on level of upper secondary technical education

To successfully complete the study program and obtain the qualification, students have to fulfill all the study requirements of the program (exams, practical lessons, seminars etc.).

The conditions for completing the studies are as follows:

1. Completion of all compulsory modules from the 1st and 2nd year totaling 72 ECTS:

  • Business Operations, Communication and Management (25 ECTS)
  • Basics of Food Technology and Nutrition (35 ECTS)
  • Quality Assurance and Control (12 ECTS)

2. Completion of one elective module totaling 25 ECTS (the school offers a selection of these to the students, depending on feasibility)

  • Food Technologies (25 ECTS)
  • Nutrition, Dietetics and Gastronomy (25 ECTS)
  • Food Safety (25 ECTS)
  • Wine-making with Drink Technologies (25 ECTS)

3. Elective Subject – 5 ECTS

4. Open Curriculum – 13 ECTS

5. Final Thesis – 5 ECTS


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