The Veterinary Technician program is a four-year upper secondary technical education that concludes with a vocational matura exam.
Students in the Veterinary Technician program at BIC Ljubljana gain practical experience in real learning environments, also in the first School Veterinary Clinic in Slovenia. The Clinic is open to the public, enabling students to receive quality practical instruction in real-life conditions that they will encounter in their future careers. Under the supervision of veterinary doctors, students monitor the health of pets.
The profession of a veterinary technician is suitable for those who love animals, enjoy dynamic work and aren't afraid of getting their hands dirty. They should have a knack for working with animals, be hardworking, responsible, persistent, curious and motivated to learn. Veterinary technicians must possess the ability to observe, have nimble fingers and be precise and resourceful.
The work of a veterinary technician often takes place in challenging conditions, with some workplaces involving dirt, odor and a high risk of injury (such as bites or kicks), so veterinary technicians must be in good psycho-physical state. Students acquire the necessary professional knowledge through specialized modules, including: anatomy and physiology of domestic animals, informatics and business communication, animal care, laboratory work in veterinary medicine, veterinary technology, breeding and health care of pets, veterinary technology of farmed animals, as well as elective modules. Practical training is included in all modules.
The program is enriched by camps. Students participate in a three-day natural science camp, where they learn about the possibilities of self-sufficiency, co-creation of a communal village field, create a herb garden and a garden of poisonous plants, learn about food logistics or distribution from a producer to an end-user and get to know plant and tree species of that area. They also perform veterinary support tasks on nearby farms, such as counseling, hoof trimming in small livestock, sheep shearing, pasture management, application of antiparasitics and vitamins, etc.
The school is part of the Vetnnet, European Network for everyone involved in veterinary nurse training, and the Erasmus+ programme, through which students go on practical training to Ireland, the Czech Republic, Spain, Finland, and Malta.
Students who participate in the vivarium school club gain knowledge and experience in vivarium care and are responsible for the school's vivarium. Students also have access to a photography and beekeeping school club, participation in the school's health care team, and the school's improv league ŠILA. As part of intergenerational cooperation, we offer joint recreational table tennis practice for students and teachers.
The physical education program, with a special organization of the third hour of physical education allowing for the choice of sports activities within Slovenia, certainly stands out as something unique. Students can choose between 22 and 24 different sports activities, such as football, basketball, hockey, table tennis, self-defense for girls, rowing, aerobics, karate, running, volleyball, badminton, shooting with an air rifle, ice-skating, horseback riding, mountaineering, skiing, cycling, diving, sports weekends, and more.
They participate in various competitions. They compete in the Young Researchers of Slovenia Competition, in English language proficiency competitions (such as the EPI Reading Badge Competition), in Slovenian language proficiency competitions for the Cankarjevo priznanje, as well as in logic competitions, recreational mathematics, for the Stefanovo priznanje in physics, for the Dominikovo priznanje in astronomy, and for the Bobrovo priznanje in computer thinking and literacy. The largest participation in competitions is in the field of natural sciences: in chemistry knowledge competition for the Preglova plaketa and in biology knowledge competition for the Proteusovo priznanje. Students also represent the school in sports competitions in basketball, volleyball, football, athletics, shooting, dance and running. They also participate in the invitation to the Krkine nagrade tender (organized by Krka, d.d.) with various project tasks every year.
Our students also gain experience by participating in various projects, such as the MEPI program, which encourages young people to creatively and purposefully spend their free time, with an emphasis on discovering and directing their potential. Additionally, they engage in the Slovenska mreža zdravih šol project (part of European Network of Health Promoting Schools // ALI TALE Schools of Health in Europe Network Fundation) and the Growing up with a Book project, aimed at promoting reading.
As part of the volunteering initiative at BIC Ljubljana, students have the opportunity to become volunteers. They participate in school celebrations and various events.
Take a stroll around the school at 47 Cesta v Mestni log in Ljubljana and explore the facilities dedicated to the Veterinary Technician educational program.
Find additional information through interactive multimedia points within the area.
By clicking on the arrow in the lower left corner, you can access the shortcuts to other areas of the school.
Points related to the Veterinary Technician educational program are marked in green.
Lorem ipsum obvestila
V četrtek, 28. 11. 2024, vas vabimo na predavanje za starše, ki bo ob 16. uri (Predavateljica Tina Rezar na temo »Izzivi mladostništva in starševstva«. Predavanje bo trajalo približno eno uro oz. bo zaključeno do 17. ure).
Po predavanju bodo skupne govorilne ure, ki bodo za vse programe ob 17. uri na Ižanski cesti 10. Učiteljem se predhodno prijavite po e-pošti, s čimer si zagotovite vrstni red na seznamu prijavljenih.
Za vse prve letnike in oddelek 2. s bodo starševski sestanki v sredo, 11. 9. 2024, ob 17.00 na Ižanski cesti 10 (tudi za naravovarstvene tehnike).
Za ostale letnike bodo starševski sestanki v četrtek, 12. 9. 2024, ob 17.00. Za naravovarstvene tehnike (višje letnike) bodo sestanki v EkoHiši.