Gostinstvo in turizem


At BIC Higher Vocational College, Hospitality and Tourism is a study program, a short-cycle higher vocational education, primarily designed for students who seek an active, modern, and hands-on education with excellent experiences also in real learning environments.

Students in the Hospitality and Tourism program at BIC Ljubljana gain practical experience in real learning environments, primarily at the Culinary and Tourism Center KULT316. Here, they have access to the School Restaurant and Café KULT316, demonstration and training kitchens, a conference hall, wine cellar, the first School Microbrewery and the first School Tourist Agency in Slovenia.

Students also gain practical experience in various hotels, restaurants, tourist agencies and other hospitality and tourism companies in Slovenia or abroad. Upon successful completion of the study program graduates receive a higher vocational education degree and the title of Hospitality and Tourism Business Organizer (Slovenian abbrv.: org. posl. gost. tur.).

The Hospitality and Tourism program is suitable for anyone interested in gastronomy and modern trends in gastronomy, culinary arts, service, and those wishing to acquire additional practical knowledge in various complementary areas (such as wine knowledge, bartending, brewing, culinary heritage, etc.), as well as those passionate about tourism experiences (thematic tourism, animation, etc.), foreign languages, perhaps partly in tourist agencies, tourist guiding, work at hotel receptions, or in the field of business meetings and events. We offer students a wide range of compulsory elective modules and subjects, especially in the 2nd year, allowing them to choose specific modules and individual subjects in the field of tourism or hospitality according to their interests.

Due to the rich practical knowledge gained during practical lessons and within 800 hours of practical training in the best hospitality and tourism companies, our graduates are highly valued and quickly employable.

Information about the application and enrollment process for the Hospitality and Tourism study program can be found here.

For additional clarification, we are happy to assist you at the Higher Vocational College BIC Ljubljana, at the Student Administrative Office, by phone at 01 28 07 606, or by email at vss@bic-lj.si. You are warmly welcome!

Students can participate in the Erasmus+ programme, through which they undertake practical training with employers in Croatia, Norway, the Netherlands, Iceland, Spain, Greece, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Serbia, Germany, Austria, France and elsewhere in Europe. Students have also taken part in work placements outside of Europe, for example in Canada, the United States and Vietnam.

During their studies, we provide students with excellent professional preparations to participate in domestic and international competitions in knowledge and skills, where they achieve excellent results. They compete in the national competition of the Gostinsko turistični zbor Slovenije (SloveniaSkills), in international competitions, such as EuroSkills, AEHT (European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools), European Young Chef Award, the Pearl of the Sea competition, and many others.

We actively involve students in numerous projects at the local, national, and international levels.

As part of their practical lessons, they participate in interesting excursions within Slovenia and abroad. They can also go on optional excursions (Sarajevo, New York, the Seychelles, Dubai, Hawaii, Australia). In the future, we are planning an excursion to Alaska.

We offer students quality practical lessons and involvement in school projects on topics such as rum and cigars, coffee, gin, food pairing, honey wines, sparkling wines, hotel management and culinary arts, where we also host external experts and lecturers.

Our students also gain experience by participating in children's culinary workshops, such as Mami, oči, v soboto kuham jaz, in the preparation of dishes and recipes for Odprta kuhinja, a Sunday supplement of Delo newspaper, and in filming videos with famous Slovenian chefs in the project Znanje pod kapo under the auspices of Gault & Millau Slovenia. They participate in the organization and execution of the international professional conference Trends and Challenges in Food Technology, Nutrition, Hospitality, Tourism, Education and Training, which is organized and hosted by BIC Ljubljana.

We enable students to prepare practical diploma theses, during which they organize various events, workshops, or develop new products.

As part of volunteering at BIC Ljubljana, students can become volunteers. They participate in Vsemu sem lahko kos, which are motivational conversation workshops. Students can also become student tutors.

  • Evaluate the role of hospitality and tourism in the global and national economy, as well as their interconnectedness with other economic sectors and societal development;
  • educate business organizers in hospitality and tourism with a broad theoretical and practical knowledge for independent work in tourism companies and various hospitality establishments, both accommodation and food-related, with the ability to adapt to changing work environment requirements;
  • emphasize the individual's role as a co-creator of successful work processes in hospitality and tourism and the importance of their teamwork;
  • foster confident, communicative, innovative and critically thinking professionals capable of making business decisions and solving professional problems in the field of hospitality and tourism;
  • consider the guidelines of sustainable development in hospitality and tourism, with a focus on reducing the carbon footprint and connecting with the local environment, as well as future sustainability development trends;
  • cultivate responsibility for the quality, ethical and safe execution of work processes in hospitality and tourism;
  • keep abreast of industry developments using domestic and foreign professional literature and information and communication technologies for the purpose of lifelong learning, as well as professional and career development.


V višješolski študij se lahko vpiše, kdor:

  • je opravil splošno oziroma poklicno maturo oziroma je končal temu primerljivo izobraževanje po prejšnjih predpisih ali
  • ima opravljen mojstrski, delovodski ali poslovodski izpit, tri leta delovnih izkušenj in je opravil preizkus znanja iz splošnoizobraževalnih predmetov v obsegu, ki je določen za poklicno maturo v srednjem strokovnem izobraževanju.

Za končanje študijskega programa in pridobitev izobrazbe mora študent opraviti vse študijske obveznosti programa (izpite, vaje, seminarske naloge itd.).

Pogoji za dokončanje študija so:


1. Vsi obvezni moduli 1. in 2. letnika v obsegu 76 KT

  • Komunikacija in informatika (22 KT)
  • Trajnostno upravljanje destinacije (19 KT)
  • Menedžment v gostinstvu (19 KT)
  • Trženje in poslovanje v gostinstvu in turizmu (16 KT)

2. Eden od izbirnih modulov v obsegu 23 KT (nabor le-teh šola ponudi študentu glede na izvedljivost)

  • Projekti v gostinstvu (23 KT)
  • Gostinstvo in barmanstvo (23 KT)
  • Gostinstvo in harmonija okusov (23 KT)
  • Kreativni načini priprave hrane (23 KT)
  • Projekti v turizmu (23 KT)
  • Doživetja v turizmu (23 KT)
  • Poslovna srečanja in dogodki (23 KT)

3. Prostoizbirni predmet – 5 KT

4. Odprti kurikul v obsegu – 11 KT

5. Diplomsko delo v obsegu – 5 KT


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Pravno obvestilo Piškotki